Wednesday, January 23, 2008 husband is cooler than i thought...

right now the music of cat power is drifting over from the guest room where drew is superglued to the itunes store. after hearing "sea of love" on the juno soundtrack, he is obsessing over cat power's new "jukebox" album.
it's a sweet victory proving to him that some of today's artists are actually making worthwhile music.
still, the coolest thing about my husband is that he genuinely loves the old stuff...and not to be some hipster either...he loves it just because he loves it. and while every so often it'd be nice to rock out in the living room to a little jimmy eat world or something corporate with drew, i have to appreciate the fact that he is who he is...isn't that what every indie kid this side of kansas city is striving to be?

song o' the night: SEA OF power

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