Thursday, April 7, 2011

i used to be a person who listened to music and read books and went places. i used to be [semi-]interesting.
life has changed in many ways. of course, things [well, human beings - namely drew and emery and the new babe on the way] have been added that i wouldn't change for the world. they have enriched my world and given me purpose. but in the midst of life happening, i feel like some pieces of me have fallen to the wayside. and i am in desperate need of an awakening...

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Ok, screwed up my first comment. Here is the re-do...

I love that you are blogging again!!! You are an amazing mommy now, so things will naturally evolve.

I kind of feel the same way after I had a convo with someone over the weekend about music. It felt good, but I also realized I don't care as much as I did about songs/bands/movies/etc.

I can't remember the last time that I have really fallen in love with a song. I spend most of my time listening to stuff I used to love a lot.

Isn't that strange?